Basic Drum Warm-Up Sequence

The ultimate no frills drum warm-up sequence and chop builder all in one! Every basic exercise you need to grow your skills in one package. Perfect for beginners or those who want to focus on breaking skills down to the bare bones and fine tuning technique! This sequence is designed to be played start to finish with no stops and work the basics of every skill needed in modern drumming, all in 12 minutes or less! Recommended tempos range from 70 bpm to 100bpm. Stay at a tempo level until you can play all the way through the sequence with 100% accuracy and comfort in the technique. Happy Practicing!

Common Flam Rudiment Breakdowns

This is a compilation of exercises that break down the most common flam rudiments seen in modern marching percussion writing. Mastering these rudiments will open the door to playing all sorts of hybrid rudiments.

Single Stroke Roll Builder

The single stroke roll is a rudiment players see everywhere in many different contexts and applications but it is often overlooked when practicing. This exercise serves as a way for players to work on their open/closed/open (slow/fast/slow) single stroke rolls, like often seen in auditions for university honor bands and all-state bands. The first half serves as a chop builder for the hand speed needed to play the roll. Focus on keeping the double stops balanced and lined up all the way through. The second half of the exercise applies the hand speed setup in the first half in a metered single stroke roll. As the speed increases, stay relaxed and naturally lower your stick height. Make sure to use rebound strokes all the way through and do not over grip the stick! Once you can play this exercise comfortably, all that is left to work on is making the hand speed acceleration as smooth and gradual as possible.